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  • Parental Information

    Wed 26 Jan 2022 Mr Morgan

    Wednesday 26th January 2022

    Dear Parents/Carers,

    Face Coverings and PCR Tests


    As you are probably aware, from tomorrow, face coverings are no longer compulsory in indoor or public places. However, it is still advised that people wear face coverings in enclosed or crowded spaces and when meeting strangers. We know in our school community that Covid is still circulating. We still have staff absent who are suffering from the after effects of Covid, as well as staff, children and parents still testing positive. Due to this, we are still going to ask staff/visitors to wear a face covering in communal areas, or when meeting together in school. Therefore, if you are invited in for a meeting with a member of staff, or to speak to someone in the office, we will still ask you to wear a face covering to help keep everyone safe. Some people are still testing positive on a lateral flow test and are showing no symptoms at all. Wearing a face covering helps to protect all of us from this virus.


    We are also still asking you to please book your child for a PCR test if they have any symptoms: a new, continuous cough, a temperature or a loss of smell or taste. Many children, and staff, have suffered with a temperature, headaches, a runny nose, sneezing, sickness and pains before testing positive. If children come in to school with any of these symptoms, we will contact you to collect them and take them home. If they have a negative result from a PCR, and feel well, they can then return to school.


    Following on from Public Health advice, if someone in your household tests positive, please get a PCR test for everyone else in the house and isolate until a negative result is returned. Children can then come to school if they take a lateral flow test result each morning for 7 days so long as each day, the test is negative. If one of these tests shows positive, please contact the school and isolate your child in the home.


    Lunch Time Clubs and After School Clubs


    We have taken the decision to not introduce any clubs for the rest of this half term. Mixing different children together, and the uncertainty of staff shortages, could potentially cause difficulties and increase the spread of Covid-19. We will let you know before we break up for half term (18/02/22) whether the clubs will start after the holiday, week beginning 28/02/22.


    Parents of children who had secured a place for the clubs for this half term, will be telephoned and asked if they would like their children to still take part in these clubs. Assuming the clubs will start after the half-term holiday, these children will know that they still have their place.


    Parent/Carer Consultations


    We were expecting to hold parent/carer consultation meetings face-to-face at the end of this half term. We have decided to stay with the option of either a telephone consultation or Zoom meeting as we did previously. Details of these meetings, eg, dates and times, will be sent to you next week so that we can book you in if you would like to have a meeting with your children’s class teachers.


    Thank You


    Thank you for your ongoing support. It has been a very difficult half term so far and we have seen the negative effects of Covid in our school community. Many children, parents and staff have contracted this virus and it does have a massive impact on the children’s education. Thank you to those parents/carers who have had children isolating and encouraged them to complete the work on Dojo that their teachers have set for them. This was especially evident during our day’s closure for the deep clean: many children joined their teachers during the Zoom lessons and brought their completed work into school with them the next day. They could not have done this without your support so thank you.


    Please stay safe.


    Yours faithfully

    Mrs Janet Edwards                          Mrs Sharon Brewer

        Head Teacher                              Deputy Head Teacher


  • Day Closure - Wednesday 19th January 2022

    Wed 19 Jan 2022 Mr Morgan

    Good morning everyone.

    Due to the high number of Covid cases we currently have in school, Public Health have recommended we undertake a deep clean of the school. Therefore, we are unfortunately going to have to close school tomorrow, Wednesday 19th January, so that this can go ahead. School will reopen on Thursday 20th January.

    Please read the attached letter with further details included. We are very sorry for the inconvenience but I am sure you understand the need for these additional measures to take place.

    Thank you for your co-operation.

        Mrs Edwards                    Mrs Brewer
       Head Teacher            Deputy Head Teacher



  • ​Updated Coronavirus Isolation Period Flow Chart - Effective from 17.01.22

    Mon 17 Jan 2022 Mr Morgan

    Dear Parents,


    Please find attached information in respect of changes to the isolation periods for Covid 19 positive cases.

    ​Updated Coronavirus Isolation Period Flow Chart - Effective from 17.01.22


    Thank you

    Mrs Edwards

    Head Teacher


  • January 2022 Opening Arrangements

    Tue 04 Jan 2022 Mr Morgan

    Tuesday 4th January 2022

    Dear Parents/Carers,

    We hope you have had a lovely, relaxing holiday and look forward to seeing you all return to school tomorrow.

    There has been no further guidance for primary schools from the Department for Education (DfE). Therefore, due to the current situation of Covid-19 around the country, we have decided to implement some safety measures which we are sure you will agree with. Covid-19 has already impacted on our school community and we are trying to minimise the risk of further infections.


    • We are going to limit the mixing together of classes.
      • Start times (arrive between 8:45am and 8:55am) and home times (3:15pm for Rec to Y2 and 3:20pm for Y3 to Y6) will remain the same, but we will separate the children as much as we can.
        • Reception children will enter and leave school via the little playground and go through their entrance as normal.
        • Year 1 children will enter and leave school via their classroom as normal.
        • Year 2 children will enter school via the little playground and go through to their classroom. They will leave this way at home time as well.
        • Year 3 children will enter through the ramp entrance and leave via the office exit.
        • Year 4 children will enter and leave school via the ramp entrance.
        • Year 5 and Year 6 children will enter and leave via the Year 6 entrance.
      • Phonics will still take place each day where children from Reception to Year 4 are taught together in groups at their appropriate phonics stage. Numbers in each group are much smaller than class numbers and they work with 1 adult.
      • Assemblies will return to Zoom so that we do not have all the children and staff in the hall at the same time. During Merit Assembly on Fridays, children awarded a certificate will go to the hall to collect it from the teacher leading the assembly and will be seen by all the classes virtually. Any singing will be done within the children’s own classrooms.
      • We will not be inviting parents in for any assemblies/workshops at this moment in time.
      • Clubs will be postponed for the first 3 weeks. We will then be able to see the impact of returning to school as well as the national picture. If things are looking more positive, clubs could return week beginning 31st January 2022. We will let you know prior to this date.
      • Lunchtimes will be staggered to limit the mixing in the hall. Reception and Year 1 will eat their lunch in the hall between 12:00 and 12:25pm. Years 2 to 4 will eat their lunch in the hall between 12:25 and 12:50pm. Years 5 and 6 will eat their lunch in the hall between 12:50 and 1:15pm. These are approximate times – timings may change.
      • Playtimes will remain the same as the children are outside.
    • Primary school children do not need to wear masks. Staff will be wearing masks when in communal areas and when meeting with parents. Please ensure that if you go to the school office, or meet with a member of staff in school, you wear a mask as well.
    • Please send your child to school with their own water bottle, labelled with their name on it. We cannot guarantee that we will be able to provide disposable cups to children who forget their bottles as we used many of these before Christmas and obviously cannot wash them out and re-use them.
    • Windows will still be open so please ensure that your children bring a jumper or cardigan with them to wear as it can get very cold during the day. Coats can be worn if children or staff are particularly cold during the day.
    • Children and staff are still expected to wash/sanitise their hands regularly throughout the day. Please keep this routine at home; some children are still having to be reminded to wash their hands after going to the toilet.
    • If someone in the household tests positive, please let the school know as soon as possible. We are asking, children and staff, to take a daily lateral flow test at the very least if someone in the home tests positive. If a child, or a member of staff, has symptoms but will not book a PCR test, we will say that they will not be able to return to school until 10 days of isolation has passed. This is to protect the school community.
    • If your child shows signs of Covid-19, please do not send them to school. Likewise, if you have symptoms, please do not come to school. Children and adults must isolate until they either receive a negative PCR result or if they have tested positive, their isolation period is over.


    We really hope you understand our reasons for these changes. This is not how we want to run a school but we feel that implementing these changes will help to protect our school community. We will reassess the situation later this half term and may drop some or all of these strategies depending on the local and national picture.


    Thank you for your ongoing support.



    Yours faithfully


    Mrs Janet Edwards  (Head Teacher)                 

    Mrs Sharon Brewer (Deputy Head Teacher)

