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  • Frequently Asked Questions about School Reopening

    Wed 10 Jun 2020 Mr Morgan

    Dear Parents,

    As you will be aware, the Governing Board of Deykin Avenue School agreed that the school would implement a phased re-opening to children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 from 15th June 2020. As we now know how many children are expected to return to school, we have been able to finalise our plans.

    We have already spoken to many parents and have discussed with you how different the school will look and how you can best prepare your child for their return. All parents and children will need to comply with all of the new procedures that we have had to put in place e.g. social distancing, no access to the school site and no resources from home allowed into school. All of this information is on the school website.

    All of the procedures that we have put in place have been carefully considered and have been made with reference to DfE guidance and to the school’s extensive risk assessments, which are intended to minimise the risk to all of our school community –staff, children and parents.

    We know that this is an extremely challenging time for everyone and we will continue to support our families in any way that we can whilst observing the guidance from the Department for Education.

    Please find below frequently asked questions and our responses. This has been put together to support you and your families. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

    On behalf of the staff and Governors, we thank you for your continued support during this difficult time.


    Frequently Asked Questions


    Q. How will children be grouped?

    The Government guidance is that children will be in ‘bubbles’ of up to 15 children. We are unable to accommodate 15 children in a classroom due to social distancing measures that we have to put in place. Some classrooms can accommodate up to nine children and some classrooms can only accommodate seven children. Children in the ‘bubbles’ will not be allowed to mix with other children or their siblings during the school day. Each class will have a separate start time and collection time. This is so that we can reduce the number of parents and children coming onto the school site.

    Q. Will my child be in their usual classroom?

    We will try our best to keep children in their usual classroom; however, this may not be possible and they may be with a different teacher. They will have their own resources but these will be limited. Resources will be cleaned regularly.

    Classroom furniture has been rearranged to allow for 2m between each child and will allow for a smaller number of children in each class. Excess furniture will be removed from the classrooms. We have put photographs on the school website so that you can see what the classrooms look like.

    Q. Can you tell me which staff will be in my child’s bubble before I make a decision on whether my child will return to school?

    We are unable to confirm exact staffing at this stage but where possible staff will be from the key stage that your child is currently in but may not be their class teacher or TA. Similarly, your child will be in a classroom within their key stage but we cannot confirm which room at this stage.

    Q. Will my Year 1/Reception child receive a school lunch?

    Packed lunches will be provided each day for children in receipt of Free School meals or those attending from years 1, 2 and Reception similar to those provided for school trips. We will be unable to provide milk and have not yet received guidance on whether the free fruit scheme will be resuming. If your child is in Year 6 and entitled to a free school meal, they will receive a packed lunch. If your children brings their own packed lunch, they must take home their lunch bag every day and you must ensure that it is thoroughly washed. We would advise you to put their lunch in a disposable bag instead. If other year groups return to school, packed lunches will be available for those who are entitled to this provision.

    Q. What if my child is upset during the day? Will you still be able to comfort them?

     As always, we will provide appropriate care and sport and will respond to your child’s needs taking account the guidance we have been given.

    Q. How will break and lunchtimes work?

    These will be staggered where appropriate to keep each bubble separate and will be supervised by the staff in the bubble at playtimes and by lunchtime supervisors at lunchtimes. Lunches will be eaten in the classroom.

    Q. Will home learning still be provided when my child’s year group has been invited to return to school?

    Home learning will be provided on a ‘best endeavours’ basis following government guidance due to staffing restrictions. It is likely that we will be unable to sustain the current level of online learning if the number of children return to school increases.

    Q. Can my child bring in their own resources e.g. books, pencil cases, toys or their school bag?

    Children cannot bring in any resources from home. They can bring in a labelled water bottle, which will be returned at the end of the school day and must be thoroughly washed. This is so that there is no cross-contamination. Resources will be provided for each child and will only be used by them.

    Q. What will happen if my child becomes ill whilst in school?

    If your child shows Covid 19 symptoms or becomes unwell at school, they will be isolated from others. We have set up a designated room for isolation if needed. A first aid trained member of staff will wear protective clothing e.g. a facemask, visor, apron and gloves. They will stay with your child, maintaining social distancing wherever possible until you arrive at the school to collect them. It is important that if we contact you, that you come immediately to the school to collect your child. Please do not send your child to school if they are unwell, even if you think they have mild symptoms or it is not Covid 19 related. We have put a flowchart on our website that details the action you must take if you suspect that you, your child or a member of your household has Covid 19 symptoms.


    Q. If I decide not to send my child to school, will I be penalised?

    As previously stated, we will as far as possible provide online learning for children via the school website. There is no attendance consequence from school or the Local Authority if you choose not to send your child to school at this time. It is your parental decision.

    If you have informed us that your child will not be attending school during this time and then you change your mind, you will need to contact the school office on 0212 464 4460 or through the school enquiry email 

    Please do not turn up with your child unless you have been allocated a place. If you contact the school, we will arrange for your child to start school when we have an available place and when it is safe for them to do so.

    If you have informed us that you wish your child to attend school, your child’s class teacher will have telephoned you to go through the arrangements for their return. We have also put a letter on the school website, which sets out the arrangements.

  • Opening arrangements - W/C 15th June

    Thu 04 Jun 2020 Mr Morgan

    4th June 2020


    Deykin Avenue will be open on 15th June to Reception, 16th June to Reception and Year 1, and 17th June to Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 children whose parents have confirmed their attendance.

  • School Reopening Update

    Mon 01 Jun 2020 Mr Morgan
    Please be advised that a decision on the re-opening of school to children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 will be made following a Governing Board meeting on the afternoon of Wednesday 3rd June. 

    We will notify you of their decision.