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School Raffle - Tickets Available

Good morning everyone! I have attached two photographs so you can see the lovely prizes that have been donated to our school to help us to raise money for our school roof.

We are going to sell raffle tickets from tomorrow, 50p each, and the raffle will be drawn on Friday 16th July. We also have some Build-A-Bears which the children seem to like! Each bear has a name sealed in an envelope. For £1 a go, the children can choose a name from the list which they think the bear is called. On Friday 16th July, the envelopes will be opened and whoever has chosen the correct name, will win that bear.

We will send you a message next week telling you the time for our special assembly, which also includes prizegiving. A zoom link will then be put on Dojo just before the assembly so you can join us if you would like to.

Mrs. Hennessy will go round to each class from tomorrow and see if children would like to buy raffle tickets or name a bear.

Thank you for all of your support.
